Sine curve fitting
Color transformation
Inverse transformation of triangulation functions
English-Japanese dictionary
Hardware accelerator
Converting PowerPoint picture to EPS file
Rotation matrix representation
Taylor expansion
Gaussian distribution
Trigonometric function
Dot product and cross product of vector
Periodic table of chemical element
Build technique of Visual C++
Massage of being clever
Surface normal
Pseudo inverse matrix
Inverse matrix of 2x2 matrix, 3x3 matrix, 4x4 matrix
Paper size
Calculating surface normal from height
2x2 rotation matrix
Least square method
Visual Studio .NET Tips
Tic of eyelid
Printing pdf
Millimeter/centimeter and inch
Specular-free image
Calculation formula and solution to quadratic equation
The sum of a sequence
Point and line and plane and intersection and distance
Permutation and combination
Differential and integral calculus
Stokes vector and Fresnel coefficients
Error LNK1235
Asserted by occcont.cpp
Convert from rotation matrix to quaternion
Inverse matrix of transformation matrix (rotation and translation matrix)
0 to the 0th power
IEEE1394 camera
Matrix orthogonalization and orthonormal basis
int type of Visual C++ of 64bit Windows is 32bit
Virtual key codes
Contribute to google search
Vector orthogonal to (x,y,z)
Definition and orthogonalization of rotation matrix
Using Access database from Visual C++
The User Profile Service failed the logon
Implementing PCA using OpenCV
Implementing Lazy Snapping using OpenCV's grabCut function
Fitting 3D plane to 3D point cloud
Fitting ellipsoid to 3D point cloud
Convert OpenCV intrinsic camera matrix and extrinsic camera matrix to OpenGL PROJECTION matrix and MODELVIEW matrix
LNK2026 error
C2513 error
C4996 error
Visual Studio DLL
Install GLUT
C2381 error
Visual Studio Unicode error
C4309 error
FileExistsError error
Favorite tweets
C/C++ Python MATLAB Sample source code of using SVD for each software library
OpenCV's SVD is slow
University faculty member's job
(a > b ? a > c ? a : c : b > c ? b : c)
C2872 error
CV_64F is not defined
Value of trigonometric function
Figure partially appears in MS Word
Playing music for Windows programming
Change POV-Ray from left-hand coordinate to right-hand coordinate
Floating point number of Processing
Transforming from quadrangle to quadrangle
Job added to professor
Task scheduling
Introduction to OpenCV(C++) programming
Introduction to OpenGL(GLUT) programming
Introduction to OpenCV(Python) programming
Introduction to OpenCV(Python) programming
calib3d.hpp/aruco_board.hpp warning C4819
Text disappeared in Windows10
Wireless mouse does not work
Disconnect peripherals at Windows update
USB2.0 HDD cannot be connected to USB3.0
Switch on sink's pump
How to upload file
Researchers webpage
CG education in university
Implementing Sobel filter using OpenCV
Program to adjust the QR code that is scaled horizontally and vertically
Let's start Panda3D
Variable used in multiple for-loop
OpenCV's Vec3b CV_8UC3
Read/write raw file
OpenCV's Gaussian smoothing changes the brightness
Color reduction using a set of pens
Sample source code for calculating dichromats' color
Sample source code of photometric stereo
Sample source code for calculating surface normal from polarization
Sample source code for calculating height from surface normal
MNIST deep learning sample source code
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