Multiview Shape-From-Polarization


Description of the software

Current version: alpha 1

There is a possibility that the software contains bugs. There is a possibility that the software is the modified version of that developed when the paper is published. There is a possibility that the software does not act as same as that shown in the paper.

This research is conducted under the Microsoft's suppport. Due to the contract between Microsoft, we release the source code to the public as an open-source software.

We release the routine which computes the surface normal using SVD from the polarization data obtained under multiple views. The preprocessing (camera calibration, space carving, etc.) and the postprocessing softwares are not developed under the Microsoft's support, thus we do not release them to the public.

Statements for use

This software is an open-source software.


We are not responsible from any troubles which are caused by this software.

We do not answer to any questions about the software. We do not provide a sample datasets. We do not explain how to use.


Older versions
