0.Environment OS : Windows XP SP3 Compiler : g++ (GCC) 3.4.4 (cygming special, gdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125) 1.Compile & Run 1.Install OpenCV ver1.0. 2.Get cv_cygwin.sh from here. 3.Get the library of Maxflow Minimum cut algorithm from here. 4.Get shell script for compilation from here. 5.Exteract maxflow-v3.0.src.tar.gz and copy the extracted files to current directory. 6. $ opencv.sh [sourcename.cpp] $ a.exe [imagefile]or $ opencv.sh [sourcename.cpp] $ a.exe [leftimagefile] [rightimagefile]for stereo. Source files
2.Alpha-Expantion Algorithm Lenna,Tiffany,Mandrill from SIDBA images.
3.Hierarchical graphu cut
4.Stereo matching Rocks1 (ThirdSize) from middlebury.